Monday, 7 January 2019

What Is Laparoscopic (Key Hole) Surgery? Is It Safe?

Laparoscopy means looking inside someone’s abdomen through a small incision using a special camera (laparoscope). One would be put to sleep (general anesthesia) for this.

What is laparoscopic surgery?
It is a newer and better way of performing surgery. small incisions are made through which special instruments are passed and the operation is carried out in a safe environment while looking at each move on the screen. This is done instead of the traditional method of cutting open the abdomen for the surgery.
What kind of surgeries can be performed laparoscopically?
Any surgery, which is done open, can be done laparoscopically depending on the surgeon' skills. At times, a surgeon can
suggest patients to have an open surgery if the patient is not fit for laparoscopic surgery or if open surgery has clear benefits.
Some of the surgeries performed are:
1. General surgical procedures
a. Appendectomy
b. Hernia repair
c. Gallbladder surgery (laparoscopic cholecystectomy)
d. Biopsy (omental)
2. Advanced surgeries
a. Acid reflux surgery
b. Weight loss surgery
c. Colorectal cancer surgery
d. Splenectomy
e. Pancreatectomy
3. Gynaecological procedures:
a. Endometriosis treatment
b. Pelvic inflammatory disease treatment
c. Infertility treatment
d. Ectopic pregnancy surgery
e. Sterilization
f. Ovarian cystectomy
g. Hysterectomy
h. Myomectomy

What are the advantages of laparoscopic surgery?
Laparoscopic Surgery has clear advantages over open surgery. It has proven safety compared to open surgery. Some of the benefits are:
1. Much less pain compared to open method
2.Very short stay compared to open method
3. Minimal scar compared to open method
4. Less complications
5. Early return to work
6. Less chance of hernia
7. Less chance of adhesions leading to long-term pain
I am obese (overweight). Can I opt for laparoscopic surgery?
Yes, in fact it is more beneficial for patients who are obese.

I have had open surgery before. Can I have a laparoscopic surgery now?
Yes, people who have had an open surgery can also have a laparoscopic surgery safely, but you would need an expert.

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